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Every week bob gives elise a large enema to keep her bowels happy. This week is no different. After preparing the enema delivery system bob calls a diapered elise into the restroom. She comes in to find bob ready to fill her bum with a generous amount of fluid. Unbeknownst to her, he made the water cold so she has severe cramps. He has her undo one side of her nappy and then lean over his lap for him to administer it. It takes awhile to get in the amount bob thinks necessary as elise has repeated cramps from the large volume of cold fluid. Bob often has to rub her back to calm down the panic she sometimes feels as her colon takes on the cold solution. Once satisfied she cannot hold any more he has her get up, refastens her diaper, and then has her lean over the tub for the release. Almost immediately she begins filling her diaper, discoloration builds quickly on the back of her nappy. Several times she lets out noisy farts and wet sounds as her diaper fills. This is one noisy and painful release.